Friday, April 29, 2011

Frame Game:

Decided to do a post on glasses and sunglasses. Some of the frames in the pictures are the only style I'd wear. And the people wearing them are pretty tight as shit any way. Look at Andy Warhol, man... BEEEAST!

- Smiff

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cloud Stu - 4.29.11

Just got out of the studio. Made some stuff that would make you shit your pants... as usual. Shit's called "New Money".


Coolest cat to ever walk earth. Also, the only person to ever successfully switch up the Star Spangled Banner @ Woodstock '69. #AMAZING

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Welcome to my blog. Here I will be posting new music, pictures, videos, and any other artwork as well as random things that I like... like most blogs... you know how it works. With that being said I'm dedicating my first post to the motherfucking Lakers.
